

Jesus, you give faith to the faithless
whether its to those who don't know you oh God
or more importantly,

Jesus i put my hope in you
not the hope i can find in this world
but the hope in the Lord of the universe,
author and perfector of my life
and my future
i put my trust in you,
even when my grades are crap
i know you are still faithful
and i put my hope in you alone

God i know i just want to surrender completely to you
to do your will alone
and that my thoughts, my desires, my will should not get in the way
but Lord,
it seems like i'm always consumed with my failures.

God i don't want to live life as a slave
burdened to do your will
and not find joy in it
to find no value in myself
as a failure to your perfect standards
of doing your perfect and pleasing will
but Lord,
you have crafted me
from the very beginning of time
Lord you have created me as a perfect creation
and i shall not live life
consumed with trying to please you
but rather
to live life enjoying your love
to find joy in doin your will
and enjoying the ways 
to bless 