

onething Jesus.

it's the freaking web address to this blog. there was a point where i thought the phrase was really cheesy and something i borrowed from IHOP. but i'm finally beginning to realize the magnitude of this concept to my faith, to my life. i'm realizing the impact psalm 27:4 has on my life, what i strive for, what makes my heart beat. it's what i was created for. that i live for intimacy. Jesus, give me intimacy or give me death. i would rather die than live a lukewarm life. God, i live for onething: to be intimate with You, Jesus. to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. God, how i live to gaze upon Your beauty. God, how my eyes were created for onething: to gaze upon your beauty. Jesus, take my eyes off anything that is not You. ministry can even wait. how can i serve when i don't even know the one i'm serving? how can i get caught up in activities and "doing" when i don't even recognize the face of the one i love?

all of life comes down to just one thing
and that's to know you, oh Jesus,
and make you known.

intimacy is: our hearts open to the Holy Spirit, to allow Jesus to dwell. it is a sense of knowing God's nearness around us every moment of our conscious awareness. it is a posture of welcoming the Holy Spirit to live inside of us, every moment. intimacy is a sense of desire, to know the Father's heart, the way He knows ours.

waiting upon God is: a longing to wait for His presence, to sit and be still and know His presence is near and upon us. it is a longing to see the beauty of His face. it is sitting in silence, purging our minds of everything but Jesus. to be captivated. it is an exercise of faith, of aligning our hearts with His heart, trading our brokenness for His righteousness. from glory to glory.

God, give me the right heart posture. one that truly, genuinely desires You. one that welcomes You, yearns for You, moans, groans, and desires You. give me a heart like david. a heart that longs to behold your beauty. a heart that hungers and thirsts and will not get rest until i know it is aligned with You to dwell. refine my heart God, set my heart ablaze for You. come Holy Spirit. i love You Jesus.

Jesus says:

heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
where is the house you will build for me?
where will my resting place be?
-is. 66:1

I say to Him:

here oh Lord
have i prepared for you a home
long have i desired for you to dwell

here oh Lord
have i prepared a resting place

here oh Lord
i wait for you alone

God, fill me with your presence.
Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit.
never, ever, anything less, God.