while visioning for man's group yesterday, we decided that we simply want to do what Jesus did. jordan thought a good slogan would be "just do it", which comes from nike. later, i googled the nike image and i used paint and...yeah. (i was actually quite proud of myself. puaha)
maybe if we did less planning, less training, less organizing, less worrying, less fearing, and believed that greater is He who is in us than in the world, maybe if we "just do it", we could see more of His kingdom come on earth as in heaven.
maybe if we just asked the Holy Spirit to talk to us, to lead us, to guide us, and gave Him space to do what He does best, He would do things better than anything we could've ever come up with.
maybe if i learned to "just do it" i wouldn't be so fearful and having conversations in my head with Him about whether or not i should walk up and pray for that guy on crutches.
maybe if i learned to "just do it" i wouldn't be so fearful of man or rejection or failure or mistakes, and i could actually
what if we doubted less of ourselves and our authority, and what if we walked in boldness, authority, and power that He gave us through the Holy Spirit? what if we actually tried to believe that we could do greater things than Jesus?
i have much to learn. help me Holy Spirit!