my one true valentine,
my Lover,
my Friend,
my bridegroom,
my everything,
my only passion.
here's to many more years of sweet fellowship with each other--to the wrestling and the contending, to the sweet moments and the dry ones. here's to Love--Love that hopes, Love that always trusts, always perseveres, Love that never fails, Love that always wins.
here's to Love--a jealous Love that continues to fight for me
thank You for singleness. and sweet seasons for holy devotion to only You. thank you for teaching me to be satisfied in You and only You. thank You for teaching me to seek satisfaction from You first, my firstlove.
thank You that i can close my eyes and gaze into the eyes of Beauty.
God, You're beautiful, to me
let's spend eternity getting to know each other. let's begin now. take me away with You. let's hurry!
ahh. i'm falling in Love.