life these days are filled with a lot of good moments, but nothing quite compares to those moments where i finally quiet my heart to bask in His presence. though i'll admit it isn't glorious every time i make an effort to do so, but the moments like tonight where everything seems to be winding down and not a whole lot is going on my mind, i can finally see Him, and i realize how much i miss Him. i'm finally reminded by how deep of an ocean there is to Him, and how much i have yet to drink in. i don't think i really can put into words how i feel during these moments. it's like a part of me wants to scream at the top of my lungs because it just feels like my head is sticking out of a car moving at 60 miles per hour. it's like this feeling where my heart is moving too fast for my mind to catch up. before i know it, my mind has caught up and i'm left wanting more.
Jesus, i want so much more of these moments. beyond emotion, beyond what my language can express, God. don't let my love grow cold as i'm waiting for you to come home.