
what it comes down to

So let our hearts consider an aching question—when my eyes first see His, will I know Him? Not just am I saved, but do I deeply know the One who saved me? Will there be memories that flood between us when our eyes finally meet? Will I know the depths of His heart and have let Him into the depths of mine? Will my heart have spent its days in wisdom, storing up a rich history with Jesus? Or will I painfully realize then that He who has loved me, who has eternally desired me, who was meant to be my nearest, most intimate Friend is merely an acquaintance?
How close will my heart be to His in that moment when His eyes stare into mine?
Our moments spent before Him, in this vapor of time we now live, add up to yield a history. In the monotony of our day-by-day, we may sing our little songs to Him, offer whispers of ‘I love You’ and ‘I need You,’ sit with an open Bible and a searching heart, take our stands before Him prayer—but what are these moments to Him? They are the immeasurably precious pieces of the history we are building with our soul’s Beloved. And that history will be the only thing we have to offer Him when we at last stand before His face. And the more we give of ourselves, the deeper our history’s well will reach. Did I give Him my time, my eyes, my affection, dreams, my emotions, my finances, my obedience, my strength—myself?
From http://jonandkinsey.com/presenting-a-history-to-him/#more-410