its also quite glorious how when you listen to some songs they unlock a haven of memories and images. like backstreet boys. shoot. i forgot how much i like the backstreet boys. it's like the first music i ever listened to. other than psalty's praise songs on cassette and 96.5 koit light rock less talk on the radio cause that's what my mom likes. me and my brother got a CD called millenium when i was in like 5th grade and we thought we were so cool haha. and we would play the CD over and over again when we went on road trips. and brother and me would sing the songs super loud to annoy the sister. haha. goood times. oh the family.
andy brought these cookies from trader joes. they are called low-fat chocolatey cats cookies for people. that's right, for people. and the "for people" part is in bright bold letters i think they wanted to make sure people wouldn't think they are cat biscuits or something haha. anyways andy brought a whole tub of them and now they are all gone, into the deep abyss of my tummy. and another thing. i loose my appetite when i study. i didn't know that was possible. maybe its the major snacking action. or maybe just sitting for 10 hours straight like a bum
dining hall coffee is no good. it tastes like tar. whatever the hecks that tastes like
studying is good. unless you have long legs and you sit for too long and no blood circulation and you can't feel your legs anymore. which is why you go run to recirculate and study again.
i made a playlist on this website the sister showed me! it is a very sappy cheesy and shameless playlist, many of the songs inspired by good friends!
i never knew how much of a sucker i am for sappy music. especially high school musical. asfdlkjklasf. the worst part is that i'm a guy. gosh why am i so shameless. guys aren't supposed to listen to this kind of junks.
cinderella by steven curtis chapman is a very good song. it touches you in a very fuzzy spot. it makes me want to be a dad. sorta. heehe.
i never knew how productive i can be when i study in everything other than studying. usually if i'm in my room it is cleaning every corner of my room but today i emailed my whole family and my freshmen and it was good.
andy knows me too well. what a good buddee. so dilligently studying the ochems. according to andy i am like rhino from bolt cause when i eat my cheeks fill up with food. which is unfortunately very true. :(

and the physics book does not want to be opened.