it's been a while. i don't really know what to write. here it goes.
spring retreat! was mucho fun. oh Jesus. thanks for nature. thanks for the skies, mountains, trees, and beautfiul sunsets. oh the creation. Jesus seems to come alive through the of the stillness of the morning. and the birdsong. and peace reaches a whole different level. where time seems to stop and life comes to a halt. and all i can do is take it all in and enjoy. what a treat. thanks Jesus.
clicking away my dSLR woohoo! trying to be national geographic magazine status. yeah right. p.s. i am still a noob with that thing i don't do it justice :( but i will work on it and one day become a photo master!
i learned:
mark 2 > mark 1. Jesus, my mind can never fathom nor come close to fully understanding your love for me demonstrated on the cross. I will never be able to imagine how much pain, suffering, brokenness, rejection that you experienced, all in the name of love for me.
i realized that God was stretching me in loving Him with my mind. experiencing him through the word, being able to worship him with my mind just as much as i love him with my heart and soul. that not only is scripture head knowledge, but allowing the truths to seep into my inner being.
paradoxes of kingdom of God (aka my new life goals):
-lose my life to gain life.
-first shall be last and last shall be first (greatness thru service)
-seek aproval not from men but from God alone. ahhh big one. right. thanks Jesus.
-childlike faith
spring quarter! is here! i want to press in to you God. persevere through prayer. i want fresh a fresh passion. a fresh taste of your goodness that is beyond what a religion can offer.
and leadership next year...
where you go, i go.
where you say, i say God.
what you pray i pray.
a mehh season. but whatever season i will always praise the Lord!

look at the way the flowers bloom for you
they want to show you their beauty, Lord.
running waters dance
you and I romance.
unto you be all the glory.