but it's really amazing what the power of Jesus' love can do. it took Jesus to heal brokenness. it transforms brokenness and turns it into beauty. it transforms hurt, rejection, anger, and turns it into love, a profound love that transcends our imperfections, our flaws. it is a deep sense of love that will always exist no matter what happens.
they are a lot of fun.
brother rick likes to work out. his muscles are really big. i go lifting with him and he spots me and i lift these dinky weights and he's pumping weights the size of car tires. he encouragingly pushes me until i'm sore for an entire week. when we go running i'm always one step ahead of him as i push him a bit harder. it's a pretty cool connection
sister alicia secretly likes me alot but just doesn't want to admit it. HAHA just kidding. she's probably reading this as well. HELLO ALICIA. cause she likes to stalk my facebook and laugh at my ridiculous pictures and complains how it seems like i don't study in college and all i do is eat cause all of my pictures have me eating in them. i brag to her how i'm more popular with all my facebook pictures and she has none. she just laughs cause she thinks i'm such a loser and doesn't believe that i can make any friends HAHA cause of my no manners when i eat and burping in her face and stuff like that. i like to make her laugh. oh yea and she secretly likes it when i take her to every single one of her soccer practices. or when i take her and her friends out to lunch. and i know she secretly admires me and the music i listen to. the other day i was playing tim be told in my car and she was laughing about how i listen to uncool music. until her friend walks into the car the next day and starts singing along and the next day she guilty-ly asks me for the songs. HAHA
and the mother. mommy is pretty cool. i guess i am pretty much a momma's boy. she is everything that i want to be. a mom that walks in the power and love of the Holy Spirit. to radiate Jesus to each patient she sees (she's a nurse). i'm so thankful God put her in my life to be so much to me--a mother, a mentor, a friend, and so much more. to have the privilege to pray together, for her to speak so much life into me.
the father. daddy works so hard. although it's hard cause he talks about money a lot he works hard because he loves me. he is responsible because he only wants the best for me. he travels 3 weeks every month, jet lag and all because he loves me. i couldn't have asked for more.
ahhh i just realized that this is the second time i've talked about my family on this thing. HAHA oh well i'm gonna post it anyways cause i just spent half an hour writing this.
value relationships deeply. relationships are not about the end, but the journey in between. it's like our relationship with Jesus. we don't live for heaven. rather, we live for our day by day walking in the fullness of His presence, constant fellowship with Him.
more waiting upon God has been good. it enables me to be present to God's presence. to be aware of His presence around me not only in the morning as i wait upon Him but to be able to bring that into every aspect of the rest of my day. it's what keeps my passion going. to study His passion for me. His affections for me. to be reminded that I am royalty. I am His favorite one. to sit and enjoy.