God is the same yesterday today and forever.
TRUTH IS: healings are real. they aren't some charismatic-church thing or some made-up emotional-hype or set-up show as a fake sort of thing. healings always captivate me. they give me a glimpse of just how tangible and real Jesus really is. healing turns theory into action. it turns the words we read in the bible alive. it allows Jesus, and 2000-year old stories to be relevant and true even today. the thing about healings is that we can see it and it is real. and if the healing is real then that means Jesus is real. if Jesus is real then God is real. and with that the entire bible and everything He says is real. i wonder...what it takes to heal. i wonder why some can heal more than others. a gift? God's will? a desire for more? shoot. i want it! i want to heal! Jesus, make the supernatural natural for me. only to make your kingdom come. on earth as in heaven. signs and wonders. hmm. since coming to college a part of me has suppressed that desire for it. like maybe i'm just too radical. no. i will press into it! NEXT YEAR GOD. DO IT. check this video out. yea it's long maybe start at 2:30. what more of Jesus do we need to ask for? we can see healings, even experience them yet still not believe. so watch this video, and take it for what it is. do you think God is speaking to you? cause He probably is. anyone can see a healing and get excited cause its cool. but to believe Jesus is a different story. sorta like what we learned from Mark study:"though seeing, they may not see; thought hearing, they may not understand." luke 8:10 yet healings still captivate me. they give us a glimpse of heaven. they give us a taste of Jesus on earth. they poke at even the most closed of hearts, the most skeptical of skeptics. like hey, maybe Jesus is real after all. if Jesus didn't make this guy's foot grow, who did? they allow for a love encounter. and when we taste it, see, it experience it, we are never the same. check out the 3 minute mark. it's amazing to watch these teenagers in the video, your average, american, MTV, popular culture, rebellious teenager just get whacked in the head with Jesus. at first Jesus is too cool for them. the next second you know it, they ALL want to know Jesus personally, and they have their hands out, praying out loud to receive the Holy Spirit, and yelling things like "Jesus is cool!" it's called a love encounter. i don't think the college world, adult world isn't too different from these teenagers. our world hungers for something more. more than just boring church rules and theory and stuff. we need to allow God to pour out His spirit. "in the last days...i will pour out my Spirit on all people...i will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below" acts 2:17-19 which made sense when Jesus said:"unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders, you will never believe" john 4:48 so more, Holy Spirit. i ask for more. kingdom come. Your will be done. on earth as in heaven.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6iEjR2q2Nw&feature=related