

so right now i am sitting on the couch watching the chinese news with my mom
i just took a walk with my mom and dad. and my dog buddy. he's wearing this t-shirt thing that says "santa's helper". what a clown. he's so silly. 
it's freaking cold in norcal. it doesn't help that its raining. i don't ever remembering it be this cold. its the worst when you wake up in the morning and anywhere not under your covers feels like antarctica.
and putting on cold jeans is like the worst feeling ever.
and my mom is the best cook. on the face of this planet. hands down. ever.
home is good

agh it sorta hit me the other day before church. that every time i go home, not only do i take a break from school, but it's almost like i take a small break from God. i dunno why. yea, i still go to church. i still read. i still pray. but they feel less genuine. i really have to push myself to seek out God.
Lord, during this break, help me to seek you even more desparately, to have the patience to waith for your presence more than ever before.

this break God, 
more than ever before,
help me to sit at your feet 
to love on you
all the days of my life
all the days of my life