

Lord you know i want intimacy
you know that is what i have been seeking all summer
and above all else through ministry i still wanted intimacy to be the number one cry of my heart
i did not want ministry to take away my intimacy with you.
to lose your peace
to lose that firstlove joy that comes from loving you
NO. i'd rather die.
but God, its been so hard.

but Lord, i forgot
that YOU ARE God and I AM NOT
and although I may fail at finding a way to your heart
YOU will ALWAYS find a way into mine
Jesus, i forgot that your love is RELENTLESS
and you would do anything to draw me back to your arms
like a touch from you at church
or a prayer from a faithful brother

God, you are good. all the time.

i'm falling on my knees
offering all of me
Jesus, you're all this heart is living for