
how you love me

feeling tired/oddly bummed out from long day of driving down from norcal,
Lord you found me.
i was sad that i missed church today.
but Lord, you still met me.
God, thank you for andy and the radical ways you speak to me through others

as i eat and listen
thank you Lord for mom's heart and her cooking
and this beautiful song

Wonderful Savior
My heart belongs to Thee
I will remember always the blood You shed for me
Wonderful Savior
My heart will know Your worth
So I will embrace You always as I walk this earth

Be blessed, be loved, be lifted high
Be treasured here
Be glorified
I owe my life to You my Lord
Here I am....

Beautiful Jesus
How may I bless Your heart?
Knees to the earth I bow down to everything You are
Beautiful Jesus
You are my only worth
So let me embrace You always as I walk this earth




Lord i'm amazed by you,
how you love me

i realize how beautiful you are
and how great your affections are for me

oh, how you love me so,
oh, how you love me
oh, how you love me

Lord, hold my hand


nothing compares to this place

come holy spirit fall on me now
i need your annointing come in your power
i love you holy spirit
you're captivating my soul
and everyday
i grow to love you more

i'm reaching for your heart
you hold my life in your hand
drawing me closer to you 
i feel your power renew
nothing compares to this place
where i can see you face to face
i worship you
in spirit and in truth


oh Lord you've searched me

search me, O God and know my heart
test me and know my anxious thoughts
see if there is anything in me that offends you
and lead me along the path of everlasting life
-psalm 139:23

God, my heart's an open book
purify my heart
from old self
convict me of anything that is not of you
any thoughts that keep me from seeking you
as Jesus, my only passion.
renew me once again


you dance over me

Lord help me to realize my value as your favorite son

you dance over me
while i am unaware
you sing all around
but i never hear the sound

sing over me Jesus,
touch me with your hand
sing over me Jesus, like only you can
sing your song of healing over me

Lord i'm satisfied with nothing less
than to feel the closeness of your breath

how wide
how deep
how great
is your love for me

Oh God,
how you love me



therefore if anyone belongs Christ, he is a new creation; the old life has gone, the new life has come!
-2 corinthians 5:17

Lord renew me daily.
renew my love for you, my passion to live for you alone.
take away my old self
my old life, my old thoughts
my past sins and burdens
and nail them on the cross
take me to cross Lord,

and make me a new creation.
help me to live IN you,
although i may live in this world, Jesus
help me not to live as someone of this world,
consumed with the thoughts of other people,
always trying to please others,
but as someone
who puts their hope, and trust, identity
in You, the living God.
so i set my sights on you alone God.
i worship you Lord

Jesus, help me to realize my identity
as your royalty,
your prince, your favorite son,
your beloved creation,
and that you created me to be blessed,
and for me to bless you
so bless me oh God,
with your joy
your peace
your wisdom to do well in school
Lord I know you only give me the best
oh God i feel so blessed
thank you Jesus

You love me so much



after Jesus died on the cross, He left us with 2 things:
His Holy Spirit.
His peace.

But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
-john 14:27

Lord, thank you for this peace
a peace that transcends all understanding
as the things of the world grow strangely dim
i am left with nothing
but your

draw near Holy Spirit
and overcome the worries of this world
as i claim my worth
as your prince
bless me as your favorite son
shower your blessings over me
oh God, don't hold back
your love and what you have in store
you know the very desires of my heart
you only want the best for me

i receive it
i recieve You
come Holy Spirit



Lord, you are a God of comfort

Praise to God, the Father of compassion, the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the suffering of Christ flow into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. 
If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation...this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God. On Him we have set our hope that He will continue to deliver us.
2 corinthians 1:3-11

i love you Jesus, i will praise you always. thank you for the comfort of your loving arms


Jesus, you give faith to the faithless
whether its to those who don't know you oh God
or more importantly,

Jesus i put my hope in you
not the hope i can find in this world
but the hope in the Lord of the universe,
author and perfector of my life
and my future
i put my trust in you,
even when my grades are crap
i know you are still faithful
and i put my hope in you alone

God i know i just want to surrender completely to you
to do your will alone
and that my thoughts, my desires, my will should not get in the way
but Lord,
it seems like i'm always consumed with my failures.

God i don't want to live life as a slave
burdened to do your will
and not find joy in it
to find no value in myself
as a failure to your perfect standards
of doing your perfect and pleasing will
but Lord,
you have crafted me
from the very beginning of time
Lord you have created me as a perfect creation
and i shall not live life
consumed with trying to please you
but rather
to live life enjoying your love
to find joy in doin your will
and enjoying the ways 
to bless 



i will be still and know you God.

but its so hard.

Jesus, i want to hear your voice
God, i'm so desparate
there's too much going on in my head
its overwhelming.

clear all the noise in my head
my own thoughts
my selfish thoughts
my own desires
to succeed
to please others
thoughts of other people
thoughts of this world

too many sounds
too many voices
in this world
try to capture the devotion of my heart
but no God
my heart belongs to YOU alone

silence the noise
that keeps me from hearing your voice
your soft, gentle voice
your soothing voice
that brings peace
peace beyond all understanding

come calm the storm in me


at the top of my lungs

oh God, you are so worthy
i will not let my emotions
the things of this world
keep me from praising you oh God

no God. i will not waste one second of my life
from falling short of anything other than
giving you ALL of my praise

rejoice in the Lord always. i will say it again, rejoice!
phillipains 4:3-5


words of worship
rise like a river within me
thoughts to express are too many
i want to bless you God

i can't be silent
i think of the mercies you show me
my lips begin overflowing
great is your love

such gratitude
for all that you do
JESUS to you

at the top of my lungs i will sing hallelujah
your the one who saved me
the one who gave me
this life i live
forever more
forever more

at the top of my lungs i will sing hallelujah
i'm not ashamed i'll praise your name
let the whole world know

you are worthy
i join the song of creation 
that rings out across every nation
let my heart be heard
i need you so
i don't care who knows
from the depths of my soul

i love you now
sweet joyful noise
only for you
i lift up my voice

-craig & dean phillips


press in

4 midterms mean nothing to you Jesus
for you are God of the universe
and of wisdom
give me wisdom and knowledge oh Lord

Jesus, during this season i will not settle for mediocrity
mediocrity in my team
mediocrity in my study
mediocrity in my freshmen community
mediocrity in my ministry
mediocrity in my relationship with you

so at the top of my lungs
i will sing hallelujah
i will declare your goodness
i will sing praise to you
i will press in to your love

i call you faithful
your name is faithful
you are so faithful to me


be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.   
1 thessalonians 5:16-18

i am a prince in God's kingdom.
as His prince i have to do only 3 things:
1) be joyful always
2) pray nonstop
3) praise God

what a good life.
its good to be His prince.



you won't relent until you have it all
Jesus, my heart is yours
come be the fire inside of me
come be the flame upon my heart
Jesus set me on fire for you

here i am, at Your feet, in my brokenness complete

wo ai ni ye su
Father, i'm amazed every time i think about You,
consumed by my own worldly addictions,
my prideful ambitions and greed,
i expected rejection,
but secretly,
you hold me for mercy.

and while i was off living my own life,
in my own selfish ways,
You saw me,
and You ran to me.
to me.
and i began to speak,
Father, i have been unfaithful,
and i am no longer worthy to be called your son.

but You replied,

Welcome Home Son.
I have been Waiting for you.

I am Faithful.
and I will always be, your Faithful Father.

Jesus, here I am,
your favorite one,
I'm after your heart.