
for the sake of the world

is it weird to believe that God actually enjoys dwelling among His own people? as we pray and as we worship, we don't just blindly direct our words of praise and adoration somewhere a million miles away somewhere in the heavens, hoping someone would hear it. no, not one word falls to the ground void. in fact, it travels to the throne room of God and reaches His ears, for He is waiting to come down and inhabit that activity.
oh, that i would be found expectant to see His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.


 God, for the sake of the world, burn like a fire in me. for the sake of my own soul, burn. Oh God, for the sake of the souls around me, burn. for the sake of my city, this nation, and this world, burn. let it be contagious.


so faithful, so kind

i love songs that proclaim who Jesus is--His characteristics, emotions, personality. the more i study His emotions towards me, the more i'm reminded what He is like. the more i know who He is, the more i love Him. the more i love Him, the more the trivial, temporary things of a self-centered world grow dim, and get lost in the eternity of an unchanging beautiful, faithful, tender, and kind God.



hebrews 12

we were the joy set before Jesus when He endured the cross. as He was whipped, spat on, and jeered, He thought of us. as the nails were drove into His arms and legs, He thought of only one thing, the day that He would be able to spend eternity with you and me, His beloved. (john 17:24). the only thing that got Him through the pain was the joy at the sight of our face.

today, when i endure my cross, i think about His face. through the days of trial and tribulation, and the pain of denying myself, my sin, and emotions, i think about Him. through the struggles of life, the daily grind, and the days where i just want to quit, one thing gets me through--the thought of His face as He thought about me as He endured the weight of sin on His shoulders on that cross. that face sustains me when i can no longer sustain myself. His face is enough.

and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. for the joy set before him he endured the cross...consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. 



it's a miracle

that after all these years, i'm still here, and i'm still reaching for You;
it's a miracle that i'm still in love. i love because You loved me first.
it's a miracle that my heart still burns, and i'm still lovesick. my heart continues to ache for Your return.

it's the testimony of Your leadership, God. for you to keep me won over in love til the end.