
open up the heavens

soo i'm not so good at this thing called blogging. i never understood why i should post stories about my life for other people to read. like who would care about what goes on in the life of eric shi. oh wells. i will give it a try. 

so finals week is over. sorta. except that i still have a final on friday. but its warren writing so its okay.
physics was gosh darn hard. shoot. i don't know what i could've done different. camping at irps for 4 days straight sun up to sun down. i really tried hard to study. i really prayed about it, asked for peace, that you may bless me and my career, that throughout it all YOU may be glorified. but Lord, i know you are still good. God i know that you are just as worthy regardless if i ace it or if i fail.

and Lord, you are still faithful. i went to warren canyon to read, and i realized how long its been since i have done that. to sit and dwell in the presence of psalms 136 (His love endures forever), and enjoy the beauty of nature, of your creation. to prepare a dwelling place in my heart for you the living God. a dwelling place that too often gets distracted by myself or of things of this world.

God, this quarter, more than ever before, you really have been using grades to woo me back to you. admidst the craziness of fall quarter, you always had a way to woo me back into your presence. God, thank you for your relentless love. how you do whatever it takes to pursue me.

give me more of these intimate moments Lord.