
i shall not die but live and declare praises!

i've been learning a lot about praise and thanksgiving these days. the power of praise and thanksgiving is that it renews my mind (Rom 12:2) from the natural tendency of my unrenewed mind to think negatively or to be worried or anxious and it sets my mind on the character and truths of God that easily escape my mind.

after watching this joyful set (starting around the 40-50 minute mark) i made a list of things about the character of Jesus that i'm thankful for.

thank you Jesus for,

1) clothing me with righteousness (2 Cor 5:21) in the depths of my sin, even when I still hated You (Rom 5:10)
2) raising me up and seating me at Your right hand in the heavenly places (Eph 2:6), and making Your home INSIDE of me through the indwelling of your Holy Spirit (14:23)
3) giving me the grace and anointing to love You and to love others
4) the spirit of adoption, that I could call You Abba Father (Rom 8:15)
5) your perfect leadership, that You always know what is best for me, down to every detail
6) being the Good Shepherd who always leads me into paths of righteousness. (Ps 23:3) No one who waits upon You will be put to shame. (Ps 25:3)
7) knowing me better than I know myself (Ps 139:1). I have no shame when I stand before You. I don’t need to hide anything from You. You know my thoughts and words even before it is on my tongue (Ps139:4)
8) Your perfect love that which satisfies every desire of my heart (Ps 37:4). only You can satisfy my heart’s desires.
9) being a God that withholds no good thing from me. You are my shield and my great reward (Gen 15:1)
10) not leaving me to be alone. for You have given me Holy Spirit, my Comforter, Teacher, and Helper (John 14:16), my Advocate, and my Best Friend.
11) being a God of justice. You hear every heart’s cry, you hold every tear in your hand, for Your name is Faithful and True (Rev. 19:11)
12) being a God of covenants. You who kept your promises with Abraham, Noah, and Moses. For all your promises are yes and amen! (2 Cor 1:20)
13) never leaving nor forsaking me (Heb 13:5) nor forgetting about me.  for you have graven me on the palm of your hands (Is 49:15)
14) coming down to earth to set every captive free, to proclaim liberty to the brokenhearted, and freedom to the oppressed. (Luke 4:18). You who are committed to making every wrong thing right (Is 62:1)
15) in my weakness and sin, you chose me and call me holy, blameless, and pure (Eph 1:4)
16) sending your son Jesus, who through His body, made a new and living way (Heb 10:20) when there didn’t have to be one, for me to come boldly and without shame into Your presence, so that you can pour out your love and mercy, because you love me.
17) being constant, unchanging, the same yesterday today and forever (Heb 13:8)
18) being steadfast in love, abounding in mercy, grace and kindness. (Ps. 145:8)
19) the depths of your mercy and irresistible grace. Your kindness leads to repentance (Rom 2:4)
20) You never give up on us, you are committed to us. you chase us down with your love. Your love that which is relentless and patient, longsuffering.
21) Your transcendent beauty, that which causes angels and the twenty four elders and four living creatures to gaze upon you day and night (Rev 4). I will join them and gaze upon You.
22) Always being with me. You never leave me nor forsake me. Your eyes are upon me always. Just knowing that you’re here with me now changes everything.
23) giving me beauty for ashes, joy for mourning, praise for heaviness, that you would call me an oak of righteousness (Is 61:3)
24) Your desire for me, that which is greater than my desire for you (John 17:24)

the list is endless!