
eyes of mercy

an image that keeps coming back to me is one of God dealing cards to me...like poker, except the cards dictate His verdict on my life. He deals me my first card, and it says "mercy". i take it and go through the motions of life. somewhere along the line, i sin, and he deals me a card, and it says "mercy". i enter a season where i feel like He's nowhere to be found, and He deals me a card, and it says "mercy". a day comes where i feel like i just don't have it in me to keep loving Him, and He deals me a card, and it says "mercy". then come days where i feel like complete failure, and i can see is my sin and lack of faithfulness. He deals me a card and its says "mercy".
then it finally hits me. His card is always mercy. was i expecting Him to deal me anything other than mercy? His eyes of mercy are irresistible. the best part is, He delights in showing me mercy (micah 7:18). i can't help but keep coming back.
in my weakness, I realize His love is so strong. He's so faithful. He's so safe. He's on my side. He doesn't care about how many times i'm going to fail. He doesn't care about how many times i fall short. all He cares about is that i came back to Him, and He's ready to show me mercy.

His yoke is so easy. His burden is so light. i'm holding on, God.