

oh God, forgive me for being so selfish
for always being so consumed with my own thoughts
God, i've been so caught up with myself,
my own life
my own feelings
my own emotions
God, why do i always pray for things to go the way i want them to?
why don't i see things the way You see them
think thoughts the way You would think
see situations through Your eyes

God, thank you for reminding me something i seek after all my life
to let go of my thoughts
my desires
and to replace them with Your thoughts
Your desires

Lord, use this time to show me
how You feel when i break your heart
how You feel when i reject your love
how You feel when You do all that You can to love me
yet i still reject Your love

break my heart for what breaks Yours

Jesus remind me how to relentlessly pursue after You
remind me how to love You
with the same jealous love You love me with

Jesus, its all about YOU
and not about me

its all for You, its all for You
i'm letting go, im letting go