
excellencies of Christ

i find my heart longing today, lonely, hungry for something authentic. something is awakening in the depths, stirred in this season by an unknown hand, an unseen Helper. my heart can barely stand the thought of another unique teaching or keen insight from another anointed vessel. i am aching only for Jesus, wanting Him and Him alone, undone by the piercing depths of His heart, His life, and his love. -a.h.

the cross was not drudgery for You. You bore the cross with joy. joy even in the midst of unfathomable pain. joy because You were thinking of me. Your sole longing was me, that i may be with You and see You in Your glory, that i would be able to feel the same love Your Father had for You. joy because you knew that all death and humiliation was nothing compared to receiving the greatest yearning of Your heart -- me.