
for you, Jesus

greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world
1 john 4:4
the Lord is my light and my salvation. whom shall i fear?
psalm 27:1

Jesus help me to love you with a jealous love,
the same jealous love that you love me with
a love that won't let anything else take its place
a love that only wants to love you
a love that only knows to love you God
and absolutely nothing else

your eye is the lamp of your body. when your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. but when they are bad, your body is full of darkness. see to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you
luke 11:34-36

Lord help me not to set my eyes on things of this world
on things that keep me from loving you
take away all distractions
everything that keeps me from fully loving you
help me not to love anything in this world
like the way i love you

more importantly God
help me not to set my eyes on myself.
on what satan tells me
that i'm the center of the world
that i want to run life my own way
always focused
on my selfish desires
on my own problems
on always having things my way
having my life go my way
cause God, the truth is
it's not even my life anymore
i gave it all to YOU remember?

so i set my eyes on you God
my eyes on the prize
my eyes on
the light of your face
Jesus, shine down upon me
as the sun does
to the flower
as i bask in your light
in your glory

give me your glory God
send your glory

let the light of your face shine down upon me,
and let me
feel it.

so that means
take all my thoughts
all my actions
all my desires
and replace them with
and to do your will alone

a living sacrifice
holy and pleasing
for you,